Elden Ring Trailer Leaked

Don’t get too excited, though, because Ruppert also reported that VGC’s Andy Robinson claims that a source has said the game won’t be released until next year.

Screenshot from Elden Ring

Elden Ring is an upcoming game that’s being developed by Bandai Namco and partially written by novelist George R.R. Martin. So, of course, there is a lot of interest in it. However, official news has been hard to come by, prompting some to create rumors about the game—rumors such as it being previewed at an upcoming Microsoft event this month.

That rumor has since been debunked. Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg responded to a speculative article in Dual Shockers and said flat out that, “There are always things we have in the works, but nothing coming soon that would feature game announcements or world premieres like this.” Ironically, a leaked trailer has since been discovered—and it’s real. The month-old trailer has been circulating online and has been confirmed by Game Informer’s Liana Ruppert as being legitimate. Don’t get too excited, though, because Ruppert also reported that VGC’s Andy Robinson claims that a source has said the game won’t be released until next year.

Game Informer has since confirmed with their own sources that the game won’t be releasing this year. Beyond this new trailer, some concept art, and the people working on it, there isn’t much else to share about the game—much as we would all like there to be. For Martin’s part, the author has been working on the next installment into the “Games of Thrones” series as well as a show for HBO. That revelation came just three days ago and may or may not be happening—depending on whether or not a test audience likes the pilot episode.


With all of these projects in the works and Martin’s notoriously long writing process, it would be difficult to say how far along the game actually is or if—like the HBO show—it’s in what Martin calls “development hell.”

Given that EA’s open world game, Gaia, was cancelled after six years of development, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Elden Ring won’t release in 2022 either. Of course, that’s the bleakest outlook and it’s possible that we will actually see the game next year. What we do know for sure, is that Microsoft isn’t planning on delivering any more news about the game this month.

Source: Game Informer

Author: Michael

I poured my heart and soul into a tiny bar in Aurora, Colorado for five years. I went from a spry 23-year-old to a haggard old bar owner in that short amount of time. It taught me a lot about the industry, about people, and about my own limitations and dreams. A piece of my soul is forever tied to that place, those people, and that five years. Even though it is no longer mine, I can't leave hospitality. I NEED to be a part of that community. It's simply in my blood. So now, I write about the industry. I'm working on traveling the country to meet and talk with everyone I can about their jobs, their places, their customers, the ownership, their managers, everything. I want to share those experiences with you. Thank you for reading my blog, and thank you for reading this Bio. Your support means the world to me. I hope that I'm giving you something worthwhile.

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