Animal Crossing’s Tom Nook Inspired A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game

Specifically, it’s the idea that you’re constantly in debt to him and need his help to build your settlement that was the inspiration for how base building will work in The Day Before—an MMO survival game that’s currently in development.

Specifically, it’s the idea that you’re constantly in debt to him and need his help to build your settlement that was the inspiration for how base building will work in The Day Before—an MMO survival game that’s currently in development.

This revelation came as part of IGN’s “Fan Fest 2021” which is a celebration of all things pop-culture. Developer Fntastic (pronounced fantastic) liked the concept in “that cute game where there is a greedy raccoon boss,” as opposed to resource gathering for base building.

Aside from that, the developers have also taken inspiration from Animal Crossing’s year-round updates for holidays and festivals. They stated, “We have an idea to make various events inside the colony during the holidays, so that the players get closer to each other and spend time celebrating holidays together.”

Of course, this is a zombie apocalypse game, so you’re going to need to venture away from the safety of the colony and strike out into the larger world. That’s where things abruptly stop resembling Animal Crossing. According to the developers, there will be no HUD. Instead, you’re going to need to rely on your ears to tell you where things are in the world and what’s happening. “…We are focusing on high-quality surround sound, which is an important part of the credibility and atmosphere of the world,” the developers explained.

You’re also going to want to watch out for your fellow players, who can not only down you, but can then decide what to do with you. The devs detailed a particularly gruesome and humiliating way to die in The Day Before. “…Creative players will be able to come up with various other methods: they can down and tie up another player, and then attract the attention of a horde of zombies, who will happily dine [on the character], and so on,” they said.

There is no release date for The Day Before yet, so we’ll have to wait and see what other sources of inspiration the developers are drawing from. For now, though, it’s an interesting take on the mechanics that can be found in one of 2020’s most popular casual games. Just don’t expect your typical sandbox experience.

Source: IGN

Author: Michael

I poured my heart and soul into a tiny bar in Aurora, Colorado for five years. I went from a spry 23-year-old to a haggard old bar owner in that short amount of time. It taught me a lot about the industry, about people, and about my own limitations and dreams. A piece of my soul is forever tied to that place, those people, and that five years. Even though it is no longer mine, I can't leave hospitality. I NEED to be a part of that community. It's simply in my blood. So now, I write about the industry. I'm working on traveling the country to meet and talk with everyone I can about their jobs, their places, their customers, the ownership, their managers, everything. I want to share those experiences with you. Thank you for reading my blog, and thank you for reading this Bio. Your support means the world to me. I hope that I'm giving you something worthwhile.

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